Lead Designer
TrackMyGolf is a caddy right on your wrist, and will suit the avid golfer to a tee (see what I did there?). By utilizing the same motion tracking technology seen in the TrackMyFitness products, we can automatically detect your swings and keep score for you along the way. TrackMyGolf uses GPS to tell you just how far away from the hole you are, and can suggest clubs based on your swing history.

Golf can be a very frustrating game. There's only about a hundred things to remember as you swing, and one shot you're looking like Tiger Woods, the next you're looking like a blind neanderthal with a club. On top of that, you need to figure out which club to use based on distances that are often complete guesses, and then remember just how many shots you hit (don't forget that two-foot dribbler you topped off the tee!). TrackMyGolf aims to take some of the guesswork out of your game and allows you to focus more on your actual play.
Letting the watch do the work
The last thing we wanted to do was to create an app that was cumbersome or tedious to use, so we distilled the primary functions into two main screens. Once you select a hole, these two screens are displayed in a page-based view, allowing quick left or right swipes between them. The first shows you the current distance to the green and a club selector. We realize that remembering to pick a club before each shot could be a pretty big pain point, so we automatically select the club that matches the yardage to the green—the more you play, the more club distance data we have, which means more accurate club suggestions. (Of course, you can always give the digital crown a quick turn to select a different club.) The second page view is your score for the hole. We display the current number of strokes, as well as a list of your stroke history. As was the case with Exercise Tracker, we are continuing the evolve the motion detection technology, meaning that there are still some issues with auto-detecting swings. Sometimes the watch won't recognize the swing pattern, and sometimes it will save a swing that never happened. To counteract this obvious frustration, we allow editing and deleting from the stroke history list, and you can add a stroke by simply tapping the + button.

Don't put all your golf balls in one basket
While wearables continue to grow in popularity, we wanted to make sure that the core functionality of TrackMyGolf was also available as a stand-alone phone app as well. Though we can't detect your swing via your phone (unless you want to strap it to your club), you can still use the GPS feature to see just how far from the hole you are, and then add your strokes manually. The significantly larger screen also allows us to display a full map view of each hole. Using the distance picker, you can plan your shots by selecting the proper club and by aiming far far away from those pesky sand traps. The phone app also stores all your round history, club data, and overall statistics. You can go back and analyze exactly how you played a certain hole, or find out which clubs you aren't hitting very consistently so you can spend some more time at the range.